REGINA is a combination of more than 120 Aachen-based companies, educational establishments and research institutes. Although competitors in some areas, the mainly small to medium-size enterprises which make up the network have embraced the concept of forming an alliance to bring mutual benefit to all its members. Their activities fall into the following categories: communication, hardware, domain-specific software, technical applications/automation, controlling/optimization, infrastructure, Internet, e-commerce, technology transfer, research and training.
Many of the general tasks they face are dealt with through collaboration within REGINA, in order to prevent unnecessary repetition or duplication of work. In the IT environment, REGINA members make a considerable contribution to securing Aachen's position as a high-tech region.
With research establishments such as Aachen University of Technology (RWTH), Aachen Polytechnic and the Jülich Research Center, as well as the major development laboratories of industrial companies, the Aachen region possesses a density of research and development which is almost unique in Europe. The IT sector is one of the most promising focal fields, with its interdisciplinary approach to research and teaching.
REGINA is engaged in developing strong links between research and industry. The aim is to educate highly qualified young talents for employment in regional IT enterprises, so that expertise is rooted in the Aachen region in the long term.
Career by click - 1 application 100 employers
Aachen's IT companies are looking for young professionals:
Good jobs are in demand, as are well-trained staff. But it is quite difficult to bring both together these days. Therefore REGINA e.V. supports the Aachen IT companies with the campaign "1 application - 100 recipients":
- You want to apply for an apprenticeship or do an internship?
- Are you looking for a company for your project, bachelor or master thesis?
- Are you planning to join a trainee program after your studies?
- Have you completed your studies and you are looking now for the best possible start?
then apply to REGINA companies:
With one click you can reach over 100 potential employers!
And this is how it works:
Send us your application documents (application, curriculum vitae and certificates as PDF) by e-mail to
After a review we will forward them to our member companies. Interested companies will contact you.